Tuesday, December 26, 2017

One Week Away

One week until I head south for about a six hour drive to my rented casita in Santa Fe.  Disbelief and excitement run concurrently in my head.  Am I really dong this?  I AM really doing this.  The temperature in Centennial Co is a cool 16 degrees today.  Santa Fe is sitting right around 50 degrees.  This validates my choice, though weather is fickle and only Mother Nature has control.

I'm readying my necessities; books and blank journals. Pens and thumb drives.  Hiking boots and a zafu.  Medicine, vitamins, and skin care.  No make-up.  I don't even own mascara!  Some favorite teas, coffee and snacks.  I'm an over-packer, and I must be careful not to let the idea of thirty days away get the best of me.  It has to fit in my car, preferably the  trunk.  And I need to leave some room for Santa Fe goodies to bring back.

Many friends have requested a last visit with me, but it is impossible to honor them all in such a short time.  Plus, I don't feel like venturing out in this cold air. Tomorrow I will travel to NoCo to see my son and his family.  I do need that little man hug from my grandson.  Enough affection from a two year old to last for about six weeks, all told.  I'll also see a good friend that I met about 3.5 years ago, when I gave living in Fort Collins a go.

For now, I'll keep writing!  Transposing from my nearly illegible notebooks into this laptop.  Affording each piece an initial edit as I type.  It is interesting to read what I've written over this past year.  Some of it is good, and some of it is garbage.  All of it is mine.

Time to write,


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