So what do I do that allows me to think - maybe say - and hopefully feel that I am a bona fide member of the pen and paper club? I try to write everyday, but never beat myself up if the words just aren't free flowing. I have also become an observer of my little world. And an eavesdropper. I hear the very best one-liners and they often spark something in me. For me it isn't so much what to write, but the daily distractions of life that can stand in the way of my and my muse.
Many writers wake up and do morning pages. Three or so sheets in a notebook of free-write to ignite the brain. I have tried to do this, but I am inconsistent. I am also a wee bit disorganized and have notebooks strewn everywhere; in my car, on the table and ottoman, the nightstand. I spend quite a bit of time leafing through these notebooks to find what I need. But it is never wasted time as sometimes I come across a nugget I had neglected.
A year ago in a memoir class one of the teachers initiated a discussion about source. I had not heard this word used before regarding what it is that writers use to get them writing. I had only thought about inspiration. It was eye-opening for me to learn that inspiration is just one source. I've done some thinking about source and how it relates to me and my writing. I have come to understand that prompts are one of my favorite sources. The Daily Poet, a little book with seasonally appropriate prompts is useful. Ekphrasis is another. Turn me loose in a gallery or museum and I will write! Being in nature also allows my creativity to come. I am not a nature poet, but I am moved by the beauty of the natural world and the song-birds lilt, and often come back from a hike rejuvenated and motivated.
I also make up ways for me to use prompts. I have a book of quotations and will randomly open a page, read a quote and write. For June I will be using a little Hallmark inspirational book of 50 short pieces about things that really matter. Having 50 prompts to choose from gives me some freedom to not get stuck if one or two don't call to me. I found this book on a dollar shelf at the local library, so it is mine to write in, tear pages from, pass on when I am done. I can read the page title only, or read a few pages before I write. We'll see.
For many years I have a daily word in my in-box courtesy of Merriam Webster Word of the Day. I have always prided myself on being a wordy kind of gal. As a kid I was constantly accused of using BIG words. My parents encouraged a large vocabulary, and I have found knowing a lot of words to be useful in my writing. It also gives cred to my writing when my word choices match my daily speech. So this merry month of May found me taking the word of the day as my prompt. 31 words in 31 days.
Here's what I learned. My vocab is not as voluminous as I thought. At the end of this blog you can read the list of words in two parts. KNEW and NEW to me. I only composed a few ramblings that are worthy of further exploration. Some words were obscure or archaic. Riposte had parry in the definition, and I knew that was a fencing term, so I printed a list of terms inherent to that practice. A kind of literacy mis en place. I have the ingredients in hand for a future write.
Cajole got me thinking about my mother. Flummox I knew - was it from a childhood cartoon? Garrulous forced me to be reflective in my word choice and tendency to dominate conversations. Winsome sent my mind off on a tangent - winsome, toothsome, handsome... Unfettered made me smile because I have a line in my poem 'Dozen' that says "Unlock my fetter, make me better."
My best write for the month came from the word remuneration. Ah, my Dad used this word. As a kid I always thought I knew more, and he meant to say renumeration. Nope. He had it right. M before N. From May 6th:
Chastise is the final word for May. A good one because it serves as a reminder to be gentle to myself. Always. It is OK if I don't write for a day or two. It is OK if what I write is crap. It is OK if what I write is really good, or close to good and deserves expansion. It is OK to never chastise myself and continually treat myself with loving kindness. It is also OK that knowing this word almost evened the tally. My score? 48.39%. Just about 1/2, but not quite. I love learning that I have more to learn.My Dad was the BossEntrepreneurial and innovativeNo college, I am not even sureHe graduated high schoolBut he had a quirky vocabularyAnd when I asked if he’d payMe for a day’s work in his shopHe said I would beDuly remunerated
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