Friday, January 26, 2018

Boo! Abiquiu!

A short easy drive up to Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM this morning.  This ranch is owned and operated by the Presbyterian Church since 1955, but is open to the public for retreats, classes and day trippers like myself.  The wind was whipping around up there today, but anyone from the front range of Colorado can handle that.  The constant air movement made the ambient temperature of around 45 degrees seem much colder.  That and my aching knee prevented me from taking any vigorous hikes, but I tooled around the property and enjoyed myself.

The ranch encompasses 21,000 acres of gorgeous landscape.  It is no wonder Georgia O'Keeffe came  here to live and to work. The mountains are inspirational.  It costs $5.00 per person to wander around and I double my investment by taking the walking tour with Wendy, a delightful guide.  I learned a bit about the ranch.  There are many buildings, lodging & living quarters, a dining hall and a wedding venue.  I am sure there are more structures that I did not see, 21,000 acres is a lot of land.  The number is not lost on me. The Waldo Canyon Fire burned almost 20,000 acres; I found myself looking around the valley and thinking how expansive and sobering that reality is.

The compound also houses two museums.  Archeology and Paleontology.  I take the time to see both and have a nice chat with a young lady who is volunteering at the ranch for two months from Brooklyn.  Wendy had told me that before the church took stewardship the ranch was frequented by many wealthy east coasters.  What is it about this stark beauty of brown and ochre  that call to easterners (myself included) to come west?

Now I've found two places in New Mexico that appeal to me.  I would definitely come back here and take a writers workshop.  I am thrilled they had real, printed brochures with their class offerings for the year.  There is something about the printed page that a webpage cannot rival.  Later tonight, in bed with a nightstand lamp on, I will read and dream of a return visit.  I can actually drive here without having to come through Santa Fe.  This excites me as I don't plan a return visit to the capital city in my future.

The other town I'd like to return to is Los Alamos.  Atomic City, USA.  Without sounding glib, that town had a great vibe.  Situated on the Parijito Plateau this government built community is ringed with beautiful views.  While there last week I checked out their county run rec center.  An Olympic pool?  I'm in.  The library looked modern and architecturally interesting.  There is a free shuttle bus that circulates around town.  There are museums and NICE people.  That means a lot to me  - if you've read my blog you know!  This photo was taken from the balcony at the Nature Center:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...  I take a flat trail to seek the labyrinth.  A short stroll on a foot path brings me to this lovely 12 chartres labyrinth made from local stone.  The view while I partake in a walking meditation is breathtaking.  Whenever I enter a labyrinth I set an intention or offer gratitude. Today my parents were strongly on my mind, and I thanked them for this beautiful gift of my life.  Here are a few photos of the labyrinth and the views:

I wandered down the path a little more and came across this:

Today was a very good day in Northern New Mexico!  I took a few moments to enjoy my picnic lunch on the porch of the Welcome Center:


My drive home is interrupted by a quick pit stop to the Abiquiu Inn.  I find a little patron saint of writing to tuck into my wallet.  Yes, I paid for it first! 

Time to Write,



Gail D said...

Wonderful that you feel the Ancients...the Pajarito Plateau supposedly had a population of 100000 people around 1300... imagine those mesa tops sloping off the Caldera, puntuating the darkness with campfires lighting up at night

poetryproseandprattle said...

Thank you! While there I wondered how cruel to move people off their land to propagate war.

Primavera Falso

I wrote this poem in the spring of 2019.  I remember it today as I wake up to the lightest dusting and cloudy skies.   Primavera Falso Green...