Sunday, August 4, 2019

Here is the List of Safe Places:

I went about my business today
I may have prayed a bit and thought about 
Those back to back shootings

I may have pushed those tragedies
To the background and
Lived life as usual

Except I found myself in the supermarket
Scanning the crowd
Could I pick out the shooter among us?

I wondered why did Google 
Make those stupid glasses
When what we really need is protection detection

There weren’t any white, male, twenty-somethings
We were a middle-aged crowd with hummus
And sparkling water in our carts

I’m scanning this crowd 
Just a short distance from STEM
But that was in May - sooo long ago

Did I read 215 shootings
In just 250 days?
Yep - we are record setters in the USA

I’m walking to my car
Under a brittle blue sky
Life is fragile enough

Here is the list of dangerous places:
Movie Theaters
Yoga Studios
Schools - from elementary to college
Military Bases
Ballfields in DC (that didn’t change anything) Inner Cities Playgrounds

Should I stay home more?
Maybe Amazon is the culprit

Inventing ways for us to cloister
Will the NRA have a statement?

Only people write - not pencils
Join today…

Once I had lunch 
With five cops in Chipotle
Was that dangerous?
I thought riding on motorcycles,
Skydiving or bungee-jumping
Would do one in

Nope, just going about your business
Is risky business
Stepping outside is living on the edge 

Maybe tonight after l read the paper
I'll think and pray and pray and think
And wring my hands and cry

Here is the list of safe places:

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Primavera Falso

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